
All Simple Blazor Grids start with the SimpleGrid<T> component. This component is responsible for creating and configuring the grid, all columns and filters must appear inside this component. The example below shows the minimum required to create a data grid.


No records!

Displaying Page: 1 of 0 (0 total records)

SimpleGrid<T> Properties

The simple grid component has a range of properties that can be configured to add features to your table. The table below lists them all in detail.

Property Type Required Description Default Value
TType Type Type parameter, should be the type of data the grid is displaying null
Columns RenderFragment All SimpleColumn<T>s should be wrapped by this render fragment, see the example code at the top of the page. N/A
Filters RenderFragment ✅ / ❌ All filters should be wrapped by this render fragment (Not required when no filters are used) null
Title string Adds a <h1> title to the table null
Subtitle string Adds a <p> subtitle to the table null
SimpleGridDataSource ISimpleGridDataSource<T> The SimpleGridDataSource powers the filtering, searching and sorting of the data grid. See DataSource for full details. null
ItemsPerPage int How many items should be displayed per page 15
Selectable bool Allows selection of individual rows as well as the entire page, combine with the OnSelectionChanged callback for powerful interactivity false
Searchable bool Enables the search bar for the table, columns must be marked as Searchable in order to be included in the search, see SimpleColumn<T> for more details false
OnSelectionChanged EventCallback<List<T>> If Selectable is set to true. Then whenever the selected items in the table are changed, this callback will be fired and will contain all selected rows null
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